yoga download
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YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.75
based on 2 reviews

Yoga en Español22 mins

Saludo a la Luna

Noemi Nuñez

Esta clase esta conformada de saludos a la luna, generalmente estos saludos son al sol, estos saludos son aun retadores pero con energia muy diferente, te permite encontrar suavidad dentro de tu fortaleza.

Durante esta sesión explorarás la sensación de equilibrio en tu cuerpo mientras notas el espacio en el medio, te centras y te reintegras.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Block (optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 9 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 1 min

Unity of Opposites

Noemi Nuñez

This class is about you gaining insight, this time in your mat is to further understand the polarity within us, because action and reaction meet in every part of nature, in darkness and light, in heat and cold, in the ebb and flow of water, and in the equation of quantity and quality.

During this session you will explore this sensation of balance in your body while noticing the space in the middle, centering yourself and reintegrating.

“The time we need in order to heal our wounds and finally manifest our deepest dreams is only as long as the gap between two thoughts. These are thoughts in polarity, such as separation and unity, conflict and peace, misery and joy, hate and love, etc. Since as human beings we are all capable of experiencing both thoughts, the only skill we need to develop involves mastering the GAP.”? Franco Santoro


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Block or Water Bottle
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 27 reviews

Hatha Yoga44 mins

Katonah Yoga Flow

Noemi Nuñez

This is a sweet yet challenging flow to get you out of your head chatter, so you can tune into your body and embody the present moment in harmony with your breath and mind. This hatha sequence is inspired in Katonah yoga, which incorporates geometry and elements from Taoist theory. Quite a fun spin infused to familiar poses! Enjoy it with confidence knowing that you will have many options for selfcare along the way.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

No reviews yet.

Yoga en Español17 mins

Guerreros Usando Silla

Noemi Nuñez

Esta secuencia de 20 minutos es accesible para TODOS, ya sea que estés en la oficina o en el hogar, y puedas exprimir un momento para practicar yoga, o simplemente deseas probar un enfoque diferente para la entrada, la estancia y la salida de estas posturas elementales. Te sentirás a travez de esta clase usando cualquier silla estable y preferiblemente sin respaldo para experimentar esta breve pero abarcadora serie de Guerreros. Calentamos juntos y pasamos a explorar todos los Guerreros: I, II y III, y sus variaciones, como invertido, inclinado, humilde y exaltado. También podrás disfrutar de deliciosos giros espinales en la posicion de luna creciente y, por supuesto, todo enlazado y en pauta con la respiración consciente. ¡Que te diviertas!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Steady chair (backless preferably)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.00
based on 3 reviews

Hatha Yoga19 mins

Iyengar Chair Yoga: Warrior Series

Noemi Nuñez

This 20-minute sequence is accessible to ALL, be it that you are at the office or home, and can squeeze a break to yoga, or simply just wanting to try a different approach to the entrance, holding and exit of these staple poses. You will feel supported throughout this class using any steady, and preferably backless chair to experience this brief yet encompassing warrior series. We warm up together and then we move on to exploring all the Warriors: I, II & III, and their variations such as reversed, inclined, humble, and exalted. Also know that you will get to enjoy some delicious twists in crescent lunge, and of course all linked to mindful breath. Have fun!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Iyengar Chair or any Backless and Steady chair
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.50
based on 2 reviews

Yoga Classes en Español18 mins

Meditación y Escaneo de Chakras

Noemi Nuñez

This class is part of our new Yoga en Espanol package we created for our Spanish-speaking yogis

Exploration and meditation - Chakra Scan and Visualization: Balancing 7 Centers of Consciousness

Meditación - Exploración y Visualización de Chakras: Equilibrando los 7 Centros de Conciencia


All Levels


YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 3 reviews

Yoga Classes en Español19 mins

Familiarizarse con las Bandhas

Noemi Nuñez

This class is part of our new Yoga en Espanol package we created for our Spanish-speaking yogis

Bandhas - Getting Acquainted and Exploring the Bandhas: Three Energetic Locks Tune-Up!

Bandhas: Familiarizacion y exploraracion de Bandhas: Tres candados enérgicos!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Yoga Classes en Español47 mins

Herramientas Básicas de Yoga

Noemi Nuñez

This class is part of our new Yoga en Espanol package we created for our Spanish-speaking yogis

Foundational level - Basic Tools to Find Success within your Yoga Journey!

Herramientas básicas para encontrar éxito dentro de tu jornada de yoga!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 3.00
based on 1 reviews

Yoga Classes en Español10 mins

Mini-Taller de Parado de Manos

Noemi Nuñez

This mini-tutorial aims to furnish you with the tools to develop a stronger core, which not only provides you with an overall sense of comfortable mastery of your asana practice but also invites you to apply these tools within your handstand practice. Have fun while getting stronger with the core drills on your blanket. Make sure to keep a permissive and playful mindset when playing with your newly acquired knowledge. Practice, practice and it will come, but moreover savor the journey!

Este mini -tutorial tiene como objetivo proveerte con las herramientas para desarrollar un núcleo estomacal más fuerte, que no sólo te proporcionara una sensación general de cómodo dominio en tu práctica física de yoga , sino también te invita a aplicar estas herramientas dentro de tu práctica de parada de manos . Diviértete al mismo tiempo que te fortaleces utilizando tu manta de manera única y original. Asegúrate de mantener una actitud permisiva e infantil con tus conocimientos recién adquiridos. Práctica, práctica y la pose vendrá , pero más importante que todo saborea la jornada!


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You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Yoga Classes en Español1 hour 1 min

Bilingual Yoga: Sagacious Warriors

Noemi Nuñez

Warrior I, II and III wisely deconstructed! This bilingual class provides you with the necessary tools to play with your warrior series in a deeply exploratory way. Together we will delectably break down the bio-mechanics of these dramatically different warriors aided by props such as blocks, blanket, strap and the wall! At the end of your warrior journey, you will incorporate the insight gained by the props usage at the wall by applying it on your mat without any props to discern your new expression in your warrior series. As always, I will provide you with a grounding cool-down to integrate your newly acquired warrior series shrewdness. Enjoy!

Guerrero I, II y III sabiamente de-construidos! Esta clase bilingüe te proporcionara las herramientas necesarias para experimentar con la serie de poses de Guerrero de una forma profundamente aventurera. Juntos vamos a deliciosamente desmenuzar los movimientos bio-mecánicos de los drásticamente diferentes guerreros con la ayuda de herramientas como los bloques, manta, correa y pared! Al final de tu jornada con las series guerrero, incorporaremos el conocimiento obtenido mediante el uso de los ejercicios en la pared, aplicándolo en tu tapete sin ningún tipo de herramientas de apoyo para sentir y discernir tu nueva expresión en cualquiera de tus poses de la serie de guerrero. Como siempre en todas mis clases, tendrás un enfriamiento deliciosamente metódico que integrara la astucia recién adquirida en tu renovada serie guerreros. ¡Disfruta!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Blocks, Blanket, Strap and Wall
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 3.13
based on 4 reviews

Yoga Classes en Español31 mins

Bridging The Gap: Beginner Bilingual Yoga

Noemi Nuñez

This is a bilingual Vinyasa class with emphasis in proper alignment. You can expect to experience a well rounded flow that will strengthen your core and overall body, especially the larger group muscles that sustains us daily. Each pose is called in Sanskrit with a translation in both Spanish and English, once we begin working each side of the body, the setting and refining cues for the right side are always imparted in English and the exact same cues are repeated on the left side in Spanish, thus both language speakers can obtain surrender and enjoy their moving meditation throughout the practice. Props suggestions, up-levels and modifications are provided.


All Levels

You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 7 reviews

Yoga Classes en Español30 mins

Yoga Para Todos

Noemi Nuñez

Esta es una clase de yoga al estilo Vinyasa completamente en Español con énfasis en propia alineación terapéutica. Es un flujo muy completo que fortalecerá la región abdominal y el cuerpo en general, especialmente los grupos de músculos más importantes que nos sostiene diariamente. Cada pose es anunciada en sánscrito con su traducción en Español. Proporciono sugerencias para modificaciones tanto para elevar el nivel de dificultad y así mismo proporciono opciones restaurativas. Que disfruten!

This is an all-levels Vinyasa class entirely instructed in the Spanish language, with emphasis on therapeutic alignment. It is a well-rounded flow that will strengthen the abdominal region and the body in general, especially the major muscle groups that sustains us daily. Each pose is announced in Sanskrit with its translation into Spanish. I provide you with suggestions for modifications, up-levels and likewise for restorative cool-down options. Enjoy!


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

Opcional almohadón
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.83
based on 3 reviews

Yoga Classes en Español58 mins

Bakasana Vinyasa en Español

Noemi Nuñez

Esta clase fue específicamente diseñada para obtener la pose bakasana (pose de cuervo). Gradualmente trabajaremos cada parte del cuerpo necesaria para alcanzar éxito dentro de nuestra práctica. Todos los niveles están bienvenidos a probar esta clase que ultimadamente te proveerá con herramientas de alineación que se transfieren a cualquier otro estilo o práctica de yoga. Se proveen ejercicios abdominales divertidos y originales, así mismo como la secuencia en si y un final delicioso. Y como siempre también te proporciono con opciones para modificar y suavizar esta secuencia. Disfruta la deconstrucción de esta pose y toma vuelo!

This class was specifically designed around the peak pose: Bakasana (Crow/Crane). Gradually, we carefully prepare each body part needed to achieve success in obtaining bakasana within your own practice and arm balance journey. All levels are welcome to try this class which ultimately provides you with alignment tools that can be applied to almost any other arm balance. You can expect fun and original core drills to sustain your throughout this 60 minutes of practice, likewise the sequence itself is creatively challenging and we close class with a delicious and restorative cool-down. As always, I also provide you with options to either up-level or modify to soften the intensity of this sequence. Enjoy and savor the deconstruction of this pose and take flight!


All Levels

You'll Feel It
